7 upgrades Apple Vision Pro needs to succeed in business

Jason Hiner/ZDNET

Last week, it was reported that Apple has stopped developing the next-generation Vision Pro to focus on a more affordable consumer model. According to The Information, Apple has suspended work on the second-generation Vision Pro to prioritize creating a more budget-friendly version with fewer features, possibly targeting the consumer market rather than the enterprise.

To gain expert insights, I talked to Dr. Rolf Illenberger, CEO of VRdirect GmbH, a Munich-based company specializing in enterprise VR software. Dr. Illenberger’s perspective provides valuable context for understanding what it will take for Apple’s Vision Pro to succeed in the business sector.

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Here are the essential upgrades Apple needs to make to ensure the Vision Pro becomes an indispensable enterprise tool.

1. Clear messaging on what the Vision Pro can do for business and also consumers

So, is the Vision Pro an AR or a VR device? Dr. Illenberger notes, “Apple was selling the device as an AR device, while, in fact, technologically speaking, it’s a VR device. That tells you a lot about Apple’s vision about the technology’s current capabilities.”

This disparity between Apple’s marketing and the device’s actual capabilities is problematic. Businesses investing in Vision Pro may anticipate a fully developed AR experience but could find that the device’s VR-centric capabilities do not align perfectly with their needs and could impact adoption rates, especially for enterprises seeking comprehensive AR solutions for applications such as real-time remote assistance, AR-enhanced training, or interactive AR presentations.

Dr. Illenberger emphasizes this concern: “As of today, we do not have killer use cases for B2C. The problem for Apple, or everyone in the VR industry, is you cannot dictate the killer application. The device itself is not compelling for B2C users, but as a signal, it was extremely important to everyone in the industry.”  

To drive adoption, businesses must see clear, compelling AR applications that justify their investment. Apple must align Vision Pro’s capabilities with these expectations and invest in marketing and education to showcase its potential. This includes case studies, demonstrations, and pilot programs that highlight successful implementations of the device in real-world scenarios.

Dr. Illenberger suggests, “Educating potential users about the practical benefits and showcasing successful case studies will be key to driving adoption in the business sector.”

Apple must effectively present the value of Vision Pro by showcasing real-world applications and demonstrating how the product has made a tangible impact in a business environment. By informing businesses about the practical advantages and potential return on investment, Apple can generate interest and facilitate the adoption of Vision Pro.

2. Development of compelling vertical industry apps

Apple’s introduction of new business APIs for Vision Pro in visionOS 2, particularly those targeting machine learning (ML) applications, is a significant step forward. These APIs enable on-device processing of information from its sensors, facilitating advanced multimodal interactions. 

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Imagine an aircraft mechanic using Vision Pro to inspect an engine and receive real-time feedback on potential issues, such as damaged jet engine blades that need replacement. This functionality would make Vision Pro a valuable tool in enterprise settings. 

Dr. Illenberger states, “The ability to process information from sensors in real-time and provide actionable feedback is crucial for applications in fields like engineering and medicine, where accuracy and immediacy are paramount.”

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Vision Pro requires industry-specific applications to target the business sector effectively, and developers should utilize the new ML APIs to create solutions that tackle real-world problems. For example, Vision Pro could transform diagnostics in the medical field, enabling doctors to visualize better and interpret complex medical data. The capability to convert 2D photos into spatial photos in visionOS 2 can be especially valuable for creating detailed visualizations and presentations.

“The success of Vision Pro in business environments will depend on the development of industry-specific applications,” Dr. Illenberger emphasizes. “Applications that solve real-world problems and offer tangible benefits will encourage adoption.”

Dr. Illenberger also raises an important point about mixing AI and XR technologies: “You can’t simply add AI/ML to AR/VR; they need to be developed together. These technologies complement each other and should be seamlessly integrated to provide the most benefits.”

3. Improved device management and enterprise integration

For large-scale enterprise adoption, Vision Pro must support robust device management capabilities. This includes features like Mobile Device Management (MDM), allowing IT departments to centrally deploy, manage, and secure multiple devices. Without these capabilities, businesses will struggle to integrate Vision Pro into their infrastructure. Apple’s ecosystem must evolve to include these management features. 

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Dr. Illenberger emphasizes, “Enterprises need tools to manage and secure devices at scale. Without robust device management, integration into business environments will be challenging.”

This couldn’t be more true. The enterprise world thrives on efficiency and control, and without these, Vision Pro is just another shiny gadget. Imagine a hospital setting where multiple doctors need to use the same device seamlessly — robust device management is non-negotiable.

4. Competitive pricing for enterprise deployments

While the Vision Pro’s $3,500 price tag is hefty, it’s not unprecedented in enterprise VR headsets, where prices can exceed $10,000 for specialized applications. For Vision Pro to be considered a viable option, Apple must offer competitive pricing models for bulk purchases and enterprise deployments. Volume discounts or enterprise leasing options could make it more accessible for businesses to invest in multiple units.

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“The price is not the primary barrier in the enterprise sector,” Dr. Illenberger points out. “It’s about demonstrating value and offering pricing models that make large-scale deployments feasible.”

Apple, take note: Show the value, and the enterprises will follow. If a company can see a clear ROI, the upfront cost becomes less of a hurdle. Think about industries like automotive or aerospace, where the cost of a single mistake far outweighs the price of a VR headset.

5. Access to full sensor capabilities

To fully exploit Vision Pro’s potential, developers need unrestricted access to its sensor data. Some restricted capabilities limit the device’s use in high-stakes environments such as pilot training or surgical simulations. By providing full access to sensor data, Apple can enable developers to create highly specialized applications that meet the rigorous demands of various professional fields.

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“For high-stakes applications, developers need full access to the device’s capabilities,” says Dr. Illenberger. “Restrictions on sensor data limit the potential uses of Vision Pro in critical environments.”

In other words, let the device breathe and watch it soar in diverse applications. Imagine surgeons practicing complex procedures in a risk-free virtual environment, honing their skills before touching a real patient.

6. Stronger processing power and battery life with better connectivity to the cloud and the edge

The hardware of Vision Pro is impressive, but there’s always room for improvement, especially in processing power and battery life. The device may need more powerful chips and longer battery life for demanding enterprise applications, such as detailed engineering inspections or extensive medical diagnostics. It’s important to ensure that Vision Pro can handle intensive tasks without frequent recharging, making it more reliable and practical for business use. 

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Vision Pro should seamlessly integrate with cloud and edge computing resources to support the advanced processing requirements of AI and ML applications. This integration will offload processing tasks from the device to more powerful remote servers, enhancing performance and reducing the on-device computational load. Such a setup is vital for achieving the real-time, data-intensive capabilities that many business applications require. 

Dr. Illenberger comments, “Moving processing power to the cloud is essential for handling the data-intensive tasks that businesses require. This shift will enable more complex and capable applications.”

The future of immersive technologies such as XR also hinges on robust connectivity. Vision Pro should support the latest wireless technologies, including 5G and Wi-Fi 7, to ensure seamless data transmission and low latency. This is particularly important for applications that depend on real-time data processing and interaction, such as remote collaboration and augmented reality maintenance.

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However, these developments are not solely in Apple’s hands. We need faster and more reliable networks to deploy these advanced AR and VR applications. Faster wireless technologies must be deployed and become ubiquitous, and we will need high-speed broadband everywhere. This includes fully built-out cloud and edge infrastructure in Apple data centers and regional partner facilities to support these demanding applications.

Dr. Illenberger remarks, “The deployment of robust network infrastructure is crucial for the future of AR and VR technologies. Without it, the full potential of devices like Vision Pro cannot be realized.”

7. User-friendly developer tools, support, and an open ecosystem

For Vision Pro to succeed in business, Apple must provide user-friendly developer tools and comprehensive support. This includes detailed documentation, sample code, and a responsive developer community. By making it easier for developers to create and deploy applications, Apple can accelerate the adoption of Vision Pro in various industries. 

“Developers need the right tools and support to create applications that will drive adoption in business,” says Dr. Illenberger. “User-friendly tools and strong community support are essential.”

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Apple has a track record of supporting developers — this needs to extend into the Vision Pro realm. The easier Apple makes it for developers, the faster we’ll see a proliferation of applications that make Vision Pro indispensable in the business world.

However, Apple’s traditional closed ecosystem may not align well with what businesses and vertical market software developers need. If Apple is too restrictive on what can be allowed in its app store for visionOS, it could stifle innovation. Every device capability needs to be transparent and accessible to the developer, not just functions that Apple cherry-picks.

“You need to have access to the device’s full capabilities,” says Dr. Illenberger. “If Apple remains too restrictive, it will limit the device’s potential and deter developers.”

Vision Pro: Ready to do business?

With the enhancements brought by visionOS 2 and the critical upgrades outlined above, Apple Vision Pro has the potential to become an indispensable tool for enterprises across various industries. By addressing these areas, Apple can position Vision Pro as a leader in the business VR market, driving innovation and productivity in the workplace.

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As Dr. Illenberger aptly puts it, “Enterprises need tools that fit into their current workflows and open new avenues for innovation. The Vision Pro, with the right support and development, could be that tool.”

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