Every Name The Firm Goes By Across 9 Seasons


The names on the wall at Pearson Hardman changed numerous times throughout Suits’ nine seasons, with power struggles aplenty.
Characters like Harvey Specter and Louis Litt vied for the coveted position of named partner, leading to various firm name changes.
Despite the many leadership changes, the firm in Suits was able to adapt and rebrand multiple times to reflect the evolving dynamics.

Suits is an outstanding legal drama, but there is one element of the show that seemed to constantly be changing for better or for worse. Suits first began airing in 2011, with the series largely following the career tracks of ambitious lawyers as they tried to climb their way up the ladder. Harvey Specter, one of the primary characters throughout the entire series, was a partner at the Pearson Hardman law firm, but his goals were much loftier as he wanted to secure a position as a named partner.

However, Specter wasn’t the only one who had his sights set on becoming a named partner, as his rival and fellow partner in the firm, Louis Litt, also chased the same title. Over the course of the show, there are several power struggles, and the firm goes through many changes in leadership, which can be difficult to keep track of as the series progresses. However, the history of the firm is well laid out in the show, despite being spread across Suits’ 134 episodes in nine seasons.

13 Gordon Schmidt Van Dyke

Before Suits Season 1

To really get a grasp of the firm, it’s worth looking back at the formation of the firm where Specter and the others work. Prior to the show beginning, neither Jessica Pearson nor Daniel Hardman had their names on the wall. Before them, three lawyers by the names of Gordon, Schmidt and Van Dyke were the leaders of the firm. This is seen during the show in flashbacks, when these lawyers were ousted from their positions through the efforts of Pearson and Hardman, who were then able to take control of the firm and put their names on the wall in 2003.

12 Pearson Hardman

Suits Season 1 – 2

Jessica Pearson and Daniel Hardman then enjoyed several years working together to lead the firm to new heights of success. However, the pair did eventually end up falling out when Hardman began operating in shady dealings like the three lawyers who came before him and Jessica. However, even when Pearson managed to force Hardman to leave the company in her capable hands through blackmailing him about his extramarital affairs, his name stayed on the wall for a few more years, potentially to keep customers happy and avoid unnecessary drama.

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11 Pearson

End Of Suits Season 2

Hardman handed over the role of managing partner to Pearson in 2007. However, several years later, when his wife died in 2012, Hardman returned to stake his claim on the company and attempt a hostile takeover. Hardman managed to get some success, briefly taking control back from Pearson, but with Harvey and Mike’s help, his return was brief. Hardman was dismissed, and to avoid further issues, his name was removed from the firm, briefly and unofficially being renamed, Pearson. Despite being unofficial, it was the simplest title of the firm in the entire nine-season run of Suits.

10 Pearson Darby

Suits Season 3

Thanks to the chaos and ruin caused by Hardman’s attempt at a hostile takeover, Pearson needed help to keep the firm afloat. A mountain of legal issues and cases against the firm threatened to put an end to Pearson’s firm, but fortunately, a successful British lawyer who founded Darby International saw an opportunity and took it. Edward Darby joined with Pearson’s firm, and thus the name was changed to Pearson Darby to reflect the change in leadership. However, this resulted in Harvey feeling somewhat slighted as he hoped to be awarded a promotion to name partner for his part in bringing Pearson back.

9 Pearson Darby Specter

Suits Season 3

The fact that Pearson was able to keep her position in the firm was in large part thanks to Harvey, who Harvey hoped to leverage to get his name on the door. When Darby entered the scene, Harvey found another potential route to achieving his goal, and worked with Darby and his associates in order to stage a coup and overthrow Pearson, then taking her position as managing partner. However, Jessica reveals her plans to promote Harvey to name partner, and he then reveals his back alley deal. Despite this, Pearson still supports Harvey and the firm is renamed Pearson Darby Specter.

8 Pearson Specter

Suits Season 3

Within the same season, the more shady and criminal dealings of Darby and his associates are uncovered. As a result of finding the less than savory details, Harvey and Pearson team up to overthrow Darby and dissolve the merger. This takes place in episode 9 of season 3, and results in yet another name change to Pearson Specter. This title could have potentially lasted longer, but thanks to meddling and secrets being dug up by others at the firm, it was one of the more short-lived titles for the firm.

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7 Pearson Specter Litt

Suits Season 4 – 7

The following season, Harvey’s long-time rival, Louis Litt, finally makes his move to get his name on the door as well. Louis discovers the secret about Mike’s lack of qualifications, and through blackmail, he manages to persuade Jessica to promote him to name partner. This serves him well as he finally gets what he wanted, but he also now shares in the culpability and liability of keeping Mike’s secret, so his company doesn’t go under. PSL is also the title which the firm held for the longest period during the show’s run.

6 Specter Litt

Suits Season 7

At the end of season 6, Jessica Pearson takes the fall for Mike Ross, being hired at the firm, which leads to her being disbarred and ousted from the firm. Her willingness to take the hit does result in gratitude and leniency from Harvey, Mike’s mentor and the man who was actually responsible, and so it isn’t until it becomes absolutely necessary later in season 7 that they consider changing the name of the firm to reflect Pearson’s departure. However, due to the public backlash, the name Pearson is removed, leaving the firm as Specter Litt.

5 Zane Specter Litt

Suits Season 7 – 8

At the same time, the firm is facing another major challenge as lawyers in an opposing firm attempt to take advantage of the fragile state of the firm and take control. Just when it looks like Specter Litt could be dissolved, Robert Zane, one of the partners in the opposing firm, agrees to join the firm as name partner and brings several senior partners with him to effectively rescue the company. While this does still limit the control that Harvey and Louis have, it does give them a lifeline with an incredibly experienced lawyer like Zane, who chooses to work with them, rather than take over entirely.

4 Zane Specter Litt Wheeler Williams

Suits Season 8

Season 8 features even more struggles as some of the newer talent in the firm compete for their names to join the masthead of the company. Robert Zane brought his protégé with him from his previous firm, Samantha Wheeler, and as a reward for her loyalty, Zane promotes her to name partner. However, a deal struck by Harvey earlier, with a lawyer named Alex Williams being promised the next promotion to name partner would go to him. As a result, both are promoted, and the firm has its longest title of the entire series run, Zane Specter Litt Wheeler Williams.

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3 Specter Litt Wheeler Williams

Suits Season 9

Fortunately, the longer title did not remain for very long. Toward the end of season 8, Robert Zane is caught in a difficult situation, where he ultimately chooses to fall on his sword for his entrusted friends. Zane loses his law license, and as a result, he is forced to step down from his position within the company. Samantha fights to keep Zane’s name on the door, but of course this is impossible, and it is eventually changed to Specter Litt Wheeler Williams instead.

2 Specter Litt Williams

Suits Season 9

Then, later in the final season, Samantha faces another blow when she is fired by the managing partner, Faye Richardson. Samantha had acted rashly, and so there was no preserving her role within the company. This meant that the firm had lost another named partner within a very short span, but it would not be the last change to the firm’s name before the series was finished. However, it was a positive and brief moment when the firm had again just three names, which made the overall brand simpler, more recognizable, and more convenient.

1 Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett

Suits Season 9

Finally, as the series comes to its grand finale, the firm undergoes one last change in title. Faye is deceived into admitting to witness tampering, and she is ousted from the company. This leads to Louis Litt taking over as the managing partner, and rehiring Samantha again as a named partner. One other essential player in this final act was Katrina Bennett, who is also promoted to name partner as a reward, and Harvey announces he is leaving to go and work in Seattle with Mike after marrying Donna, which means the final name of the firm in Suits is Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett.

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