Michael Lohan Gets In Heated Exchange With Kate Major on Video

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Michael Lohan and his estranged wife look to be going through some more tough times … because they got into a heated exchange on camera … and cops are involved.

Kate Major just shared video of the incident, and the footage picks up with her behind the wheel of her car in Texas … with Michael standing in the road and blocking her path.

Michael, phone in hand, tells Kate to get out of the car and says he just spoke to her lawyer … and he waves down a cop as Kate screams at him to get out of the road.

The cop pulls up and Kate calls Michael a “psychopath” … again screaming at him to get out of the middle of the road. She says her kids are in the car too.

Lindsay Lohan’s dad then talks to the cop … and when the officer approaches, Kate claims Michael jumped in front of her car. It appears she’s leaving a housing complex.

The cop tells Kate to pull off to the side of the road and she yells at Michael, “You’re out of your f***ing mind!!!”

Kate claims Michael does this sort of thing to her all the time … she tells the cop he’s been following her and says he needs to be 5150’d.

The video ends as Kate drives away.

Remember … Michael and Kate are still married despite tons of bumps in the road … but they’ve been estranged for a few years now, and she’s been battling alcohol issues for a while.

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Michael tells us he and Kate also had a heated conversation Tuesday night, arguing about her drinking … but cops weren’t called that time.

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