Prince Willaim needs to stop asking so much of Princess Anne

Experts believe Prince William is taking Princess Anne’s work ethic too far as ‘even she has a limit’

Prince Willaim needs to stop asking so much of Princess Anne

Experts have just warned Prince William against relying too heavily on Princess Anne for the extra hand during Kate Middleton’s cancer recovery.

A warning of this nature has been issued by royal commentator and expert Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for

In that piece she touched on the work load Prince Williiam and Princess Anne have undertaken since King Charles slimmed down the monarchy.

In the eyes of Ms Elser, “His Majesty’s back but not quite fully, and with an already much reduced line-up of starting official HRH players, Crown Inc is running out of slack.”

“Take the question of investitures,” she also added, because “that is the ceremonial handing out of honours to the great, the good and the occasional longtime Corrie star.”

As of right now “the only people who can conduct these ceremonies are the King, William and Princess Anne. Of the 18 that have been held this year, the prince has done three, Anne has done 15 and the King, zero.”

For those unversed, Princess Anne is currently 73-years=old and has carried out over 172 public engagements this year alone (between January and April).

Even the Duke of Kent has stepped up with 31 engagements at the age of 88, whereas the Duke of Gloucester didn’t bow out either and partook in over 26 at the age of 79.

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In light of that Ms Elser went as far as to say, “Anne might possess the stamina and fortitude of a thoroughbred doped up on the best growth hormone cocktail money can buy, but surely even she has a limit.”

“Let the record show, none of this is meant as a criticism of the prince, not in the slightest, but you see the inherent tension building here.”

Before concluding the expert noted, “Short of Anne developing a taste for Red Bull and crushed-up Sudafed mixed with Fizz Whizz, how long will she, and a couple of aged dukes, be able to keep this sort of pace and load up?”

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