Several Dead After Stage Collapse During Campaign Rally in Mexico

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s president confirmed Wednesday night that the collapse of a stage during a campaign rally in northern Mexico has killed four people and injured 15.

The stage collapse, caused by a strong gust of wind, occurred during an event attended by presidential long-shot candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez, who was sent flying by the wind.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he “sends a hug to family members, friends of the victims and political supporters.”

Lamento el accidente en San Pedro Garza García, causado por un fuerte viento durante el acto al que asistieron Jorge Álvarez Máynez, candidato a la presidencia por Movimiento Ciudadano y otros militantes, dirigentes y candidatos de ese partido. Según me informa Samuel García,…

— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) May 23, 2024

Videos of the collapse painted social media on Wednesday night, showing people screaming, running away and climbing out from under metal polls.

Se desploma el templete en evento de campaña de Lorenia Canavati, candidata a la alcaldía de San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, donde se encontraba Jorge Álvarez Máynez.
Más allá del accidente, esperando no existan heridos, esta es la imagen real de la política, cuando hay…

— Cesar Gutiérrez Priego M.R. (@cesargutipri) May 23, 2024

Aquí otro video de lo ocurrido hace unos minutos en Nuevo León.

Les reitero, Jorge Álvarez Máynez se encuentra bien tras ser atendido en un hospital.

— Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) May 23, 2024

Máynez wrote in his social media accounts that he went to a hospital after the accident at a campaign rally in the wealthy suburb of San Pedro Garza Garcia, near the city of Monterrey. He while he was well, there were “victims” of the dramatic crash.

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“The only important thing at this point is to care for the victims of the accident,” he wrote.

Samuel Garcia, the governor of the northern border state of Nuevo Leon and a leading member of Álvarez Máynez’s Citizens Movement party, said in a taped statement that “unfortunately, there are (people) injured.”

Tras el accidente en San Pedro Garza, donde una ráfaga de viento derrumbó el escenario en el que nos encontrábamos, me trasladé al hospital San José.

Estoy bien y en comunicación con autoridades estatales para dar seguimiento a lo acontecido. Lo único importante en estos…

— Jorge Álvarez Máynez (@AlvarezMaynez) May 23, 2024

Miguel Treviño, the mayor of San Pedro Garza Garcia, wrote in his social media accounts that “there are people reported trapped and injured. My prayers are with the victims.”

Garcia said the “strong winds blew down a stage at a campaign closer.” Such events are being held this week and next in anticipation of the June 2 presidential, state and municipal elections.

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Video of the accident posted on social media showed Máynez waving his arm as the crowd chanted his name. But then he looked up to see a giant screen and metal structure toppling toward him.

Álvarez Máynez ran very rapidly toward the back of the stage to avoid the falling structure, which appeared to consist of relatively light framework pieces as well as what appeared to be a screen with the party’s logo and theater-style lights.

Álvarez Máynez has been running third in polls in the presidential race, trailing both front-runner Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling Morena Party, and opposition coalition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez.

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The campaign has so far been plagued by the killings of about two dozen candidates for local offices. But it has not been marred by campaign accidents.

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