‘Snowflake’ Eric Trump Mercilessly Mocked Over Raging Response To MSNBC Host’s Joke

Eric Trump was mockingly dubbed a “snowflake” after he took exception to a gag that MSNBC’s Katie Phang posted on X, formerly Twitter, about his father Donald Trump’s hush money trial in New York.

Eric Trump has attended the trial on multiple days but didn’t on Tuesday when his brother Donald Trump Jr. showed up for the first time.

It prompted Phang to joke: “Don Jr. is here today. I guess we know who lost the rock, paper, scissors battle,” Phang wrote.

Eric Trump strongly objected to the post.

“What a cruel and nasty comment by @KatiePhang of @MNSBC,” the Trump scion railed. “This is the state of the mainstream media — attacking a son for supporting their father — as I have on countless days during this bogus sham of a trial.”

What a cruel and nasty comment by @KatiePhang of @MSNBC. This is the state of the mainstream media – attacking a son for supporting their father – as I have on countless days during this bogus sham of a trial. https://t.co/FMWR52A88j

— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) May 21, 2024

Critics, though, reminded Eric Trump of the vitriol his father and his other family members have frequently spewed at others.

Phang has not responded to Eric Trump’s post.

It’s peak hypocrisy for any member of your insurrectionist grifter family to make a peep about nasty comments. Your brother has a podcast dedicated to attacking people. Your father has attacked people so horribly that a judge had to issue a gag order. You should toughen up.

— Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) May 21, 2024

But you like mean tweets!

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— Dittie (@DittiePE) May 21, 2024

I thought you loved mean tweets.

— Leslieoo7 (@Leslieoo7) May 21, 2024

Oh, but is ok for your ol man to be nasty and mean … you can all give it, but you can’t take it, bunch of snowflakes

— Jono L (@Jonah_Lom) May 22, 2024

We can see Eric is the cry baby of the family. Eric your family attacks anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.

— Julie 🇺🇸💙🌊🌈 (@mitzjams1) May 21, 2024

@KatiePhang hurt his feelings – poor baby. Do you need a fresh Kleenex or do we call the Wambulance?

— 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢 (@ChidiNwatu) May 21, 2024

I thought you liked mean tweets?

— Burt Macklin (@BurtMaclin_FBI) May 21, 2024

Interesting!🤔 Eric attacks Katie but not his siblings and step mom for not showing their faces in the court room! Why is that? What a weird family! https://t.co/8hrpvSCAGt

— Lisa (@mo_oakville) May 22, 2024

Trump family comes out against cruel and nasty comments.

— Allen Weisselberger (@weisselbergers) May 21, 2024

Cruel? Your father used the presidency as his bully pulpit to target, defame and incite an insurrection. Fuck you! 🖕🏻

— Lynda hates GOP thugs (@IvanasStairCam) May 21, 2024

Hey! Eric! Grow a pair will you! Her comment is pretty funny. I doubt it was said maliciously. But, all you thin-skinned Trumps make a mountain out of a mole hill. https://t.co/jTQrqijNDQ

— Joe D. – Qui tacet consentire videtur. (@nyliberal44) May 21, 2024

Hunter Biden would like a word. Cope and cry harder.

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— Outspoken™️ (@Out5p0ken) May 21, 2024

Y’all talked about Hunter Biden so bad, it was ridiculous, cruel and nasty!!! So what’s your point! You get what you give!! https://t.co/AhfpIDqMlh

— MsDee (@DeVonneRo) May 21, 2024


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