The aurora borealis in pictures

People visit St Mary’s lighthouse in Whitley Bay to see the aurora borealis, commonly known as the northern lights, on May 10, 2024 in Whitley Bay, England.  Ian Forsyth | Getty Images A rare solar storm illuminated the evening skies on Friday, with neon rays of magenta, green and blue beaming across much of the … Read more

Northern Lights Alert: Solar Storm Could Bring Striking Aurora Borealis

Got weekend plans? Maybe pencil in some skygazing. And keep batteries and a weather radio close by, just in case. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch beginning Friday, May 10. That could bring the delights of seeing the Northern Lights, but also could pose problems … Read more

How to watch the possible aurora borealis this weekend

Those of you looking to the skies this weekend may bear witness to a cosmic visual experience typically reserved for regions near the Arctic Circle. Various global weather agencies are reporting that the aurora borealis could be visible as far south as Alabama and Northern California over the coming days thanks to unusually strong solar … Read more