The West’s liberal establishment clings to D-Day’s legacy

You’re reading an excerpt from the WorldView newsletter. Sign up to get the rest free, including news from around the globe and interesting ideas and opinions to know, sent to your inbox on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. President Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and a troupe of Western leaders convened in Normandy on Thursday. They … Read more

Photos of D-Day’s 80th anniversary in Normandy, France

French troops disembark from a US landing craft during a joint US and French amphibious landing operation showcase, on June 4, 2024, at Omaha beach in Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, northwestern France, ahead of the “D-Day” commemorations marking the 80th anniversary of the World War II Allied landings in Normandy. Loic Venance | Afp | Getty Images Eighty … Read more

Photos: The last veterans mark D-Day’s 80th anniversary

UTAH BEACH, France — These are no ordinary beaches. There are few sunbathers. There are no volleyball games or barbecues. Eighty years after a massive invasion force landed here, beginning the liberation of German-occupied France, an unmistakable solemnity lingers on the sands. More than 4,000 allied troops died on D-Day. But even amid the tremendous … Read more