Mass. lawyer who crashed snowmobile into parked Black Hawk helicopter suing government for $9.5M

Jeff Smith was whizzing along on a snowmobile one evening a few years back when something dark appeared in front of him. He hit his brakes but he couldn’t avoid clipping the rear tail of a Black Hawk helicopter parked on the trail. The March 2019 crash almost cost Smith his life and is now … Read more

A man who crashed a snowmobile into a parked Black Hawk helicopter is suing the government for $9.5M

BOSTON (AP) — Jeff Smith was whizzing along on a snowmobile one evening a few years back when something dark appeared in front of him. He hit his brakes but he couldn’t avoid clipping the rear tail of a Black Hawk helicopter parked on the trail. The March 2019 crash almost cost Smith his life … Read more

Spain police suspect bullet-riddled body may be Russian who defected with helicopter

MADRID — Police said Tuesday they suspect the bullet-riddled body of a man found in Spain is that of a Russian defector who escaped across the front line and into Ukraine last year with an army helicopter. The body was found Feb. 13 in La Cala, near the eastern port city of Alicante, according to … Read more

Ukrainian Helicopter Missions During the Mariupol Siege

On February 24, 2022, 5:30 am Moscow time, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced to the world that Russia was initiating a “special military operation” to “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine. In reality, Russia was launching a full-scale invasion to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected government. Bombs began to fall on cities across Ukraine the moment Putin ended … Read more

Ukraine claims it shot down a Russian attack helicopter in fierce street battle for Avdiivka city

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian forces claimed Thursday to have shot down a Russian attack helicopter in eastern Ukraine near the city of Avdiivka, where soldiers are fighting from street to street as Russia’s army steps up its four-month campaign to surround Kyiv’s defending troops. Ukrainian soldiers used a portable anti-aircraft missile to take down … Read more

Perseverance Rover Spots NASA’s Busted Helicopter at Its Final Resting Place

The Perseverance rover spotted the Ingenuity helicopter at its final resting place.Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/Simeon Schmauß NASA’s iconic Martian duo have officially parted ways, with the Perseverance rover capturing a lonely view of its helicopter friend, which recently suffered a fatal blow that left it unable to fly. Trump Went Through Twitter Withdrawal A recent image beamed … Read more

Chile’s Sebastian Pinera Dies in Helicopter Crash at 74

Sebastián Piñera, the billionaire who brought Chile’s political right wing out from the shadow of former dictator Augusto Pinochet to win two separate terms as president, died in a helicopter crash in the south of the country. He was 74. The helicopter went down in a lake in the Region de Los Lagos, Interior Minister … Read more

Former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera dies in a helicopter crash. He was 74

VIÑA DEL MAR, Chile — VIÑA DEL MAR, Chile (AP) — Sebastián Piñera, the two-time former president of Chile who faced social upheaval followed by a pandemic in his second term, died Tuesday in a helicopter crash. He was 74. Chile Interior Minister Carolina Tohá confirmed the death of the former president. No further details … Read more

Former Chilean President Sebastian Pinera dies in helicopter crash

Former two-time Chilean President Sebastián Piñera died in a helicopter crash, the government said Tuesday afternoon. In a national address, Interior Minister Carolina Tohá said Piñera, 74, was killed and three people escaped. “President Piñera governed us and we will remember him for the way he dedicated his life to public service,” Tohá said. It … Read more

Goose found in flight control of medical helicopter that crashed in Oklahoma, killing 3

A dead goose was found in part of the flight control system of a medical helicopter that crashed in western Oklahoma, killing all three people on board, according to a preliminary report by the National Transportation Safety Board. The report does not cite a suspected cause of the crash, but noted one goose was found … Read more