Serial killer Robert Pickton dies 22 years after a gruesome discovery

The search of the pig farm was supposed to find illegal guns. That’s what the informant had told Canadian police. But when officers raided Robert Pickton’s property in British Columbia, what they found was worse. There was women’s clothing and jewelry. An asthma inhaler prescribed to a missing woman. The blood of another. That was … Read more

Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton, who brought victims to pig farm, is dead after prison assault

TORONTO — Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton, who brought female victims to his pig farm during a crime spree near Vancouver in the late 1990s and early 2000s, has died after being assaulted in prison, authorities said Friday. He was 74. The Correctional Service of Canada said in statement that Pickton, an inmate of Port-Cartier … Read more