Dead bugs, flies and improperly thawing raw meat. Worst Horry County restaurant inspections

During recent inspections, Horry County restaurants were found to have dead bugs, flies, improperly thawed raw meat, and other violations.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control routinely checks Grand Strand eateries for violations, and their reports are current as of May 22, 2024. These eateries received the worst inspection reports.

IHOP #3317

Address: 100 Legends Drive in Myrtle Beach

Score: 72 percent

SCDHEC inspected the Carolina Forest eatery May 17, 2024, and found several violations. The inspection found multiple dead bugs and a living bug near the dish machine, as well as food debris and splatter.

SCDHEC also found flies throughout the facility and link sausage stored in the grease/food debris collection tray. SCDHEC also found cubed ham at the IHOP, which was still stored past its expiration date. Among other violations, SCDHEC’s inspection concluded the IHOP must have a follow-up onsite inspection within 10 days.

Bojangles #751

Address: 104 Loyola Drive in Myrtle Beach

Grade: 81 percent

SCDHEC inspected Bojangles on May 14, 2024, and found several violations. Liquid eggs, salad, and sliced cheese were not held at the proper temperature. Furthermore, ready-to-eat foods were held for more than 24 hours without any date identification.

The report also found single-use cups on the floor of a walk-in freezer and a sandwich cooler that was not keeping its correct temperature. SCDHEC’s inspection concluded that Bojangles must have a follow-up onsite inspection within 10 days. The eatery will get downgraded if its violations are not corrected.

El Paso Quick Stop

Address: 4580 Highway 501 West in Conway

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Grade: 81 percent

SCDHEC inspected the El Paso Quick Stop May 16, 2024 and found several violations. El Paso Quick Stop corrected many of its violations, such as the lack of date markings for hot dogs, pico de gallo and salsa verde.

However, the inspection also found raw meats thawing in standing water at room temperature and a prep cooler leaking onto the floor in the eatery.

SCDHEC’s inspection concluded that El Paso Quick Stop must have a follow-up onsite inspection on or before May 23, 2024. The eatery will get downgraded if it doesn’t address its violations.

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