Every God Shown Within The Series So Far


Blood of Zeus
on Netflix brings Greek mythology to life with a unique twist on the gods and demigods in a civil war on Mount Olympus.
An expansive pantheon of Greek gods like Athena, Apollo, and Hades are depicted through a new lens, combining tradition with innovation.
The characters, from Hera to Zeus and beyond, showcase a fresh take on well-known mythological figures in a gripping tale of power and betrayal.

Blood of Zeus arrived on Netflix in 2020 and instantly captured the attention of subscribers due to its animation style and incredibly violent portrayal of many Greek Gods. The pantheon of Greek Gods in Blood of Zeus is already quite expansive across both seasons, with many Olympian deities appearing as part of its intricate tale of Heron, one of Zeus’s demigod sons, trying to save the world amidst the backdrop of a civil war on Mount Olympus. Greek Mythology is a vast source of storytelling and is oftentimes adapted into several different mediums. Netflix’s Blood of Zeus tells a new story within Greek Myth.

In Blood of Zeus, Heron is the son of Zeus who must fight against gods, demons, and giants in order to save the world. Several gods show up in seasons 1 and 2 of Blood of Zeus to either aid, monitor, or intercept Heron. Each one has a distinct appearance that easily gives them away despite not necessarily being identified. Every god shown in Blood of Zeus is both a blend of traditional Greek mythology and a new, unique spin for the Netflix show.

Gods Introduced In Blood Of Zeus Season 1



Love & Fertility


The Sun & Music


War & Courage


The Moon & The Hunt


Wisdom & Warfare




Harvest & Agriculture


Wine & Madness

The Fates



The Underworld


Blacksmiths & Craftsmanship


Marriage & Fertility


Messengers & Travel


The Seas



Gods Introduced In Blood Of Zeus Season 2





Magic & Witchcraft


The Hearth & Home













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Goddess Of Love & Fertility

Aphrodite is one of many gods and goddesses in Blood of Zeus who has yet to play a major role in the show.Blood of Zeus depicts Aphrodite with pink hair and a flowing purple dress, color choices that are clearly meant to signify her domains of love, lust, fertility, and all things romantic.

Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus, born of his affair with Dione. While Hera is only her step-mother, she still chooses to side with her against Zeus during the civil war.


God Of The Sun & Music

In Blood of Zeus, the Greek god Apollo (Adam Croasdell) plays a significant role. He is the god of the sun, but also of music, prophecy and healing. Depicted as a glowing man to signify his specific area of responsibility, the sun god assisted Zeus often throughout Blood of Zeus. He was the one who warned Zeus of Hera of catching on to his infidelities.

Apollo is one of Zeus’s illegitimate children, born from one of Zeus’s affairs, with his mother being Leto. Like his sister Artemis, Apollo sided with Zeus during the war. He nearly died at the hands of Ares but was seemingly saved by Poseidon.


God Of War And Courage

One of the key Greek Gods in Blood of Zeus is Ares (Matt Lowe), an antagonist in the show and the first-born son of Zeus and Hera. He’s the half-brother of Blood of Zeus’s demigod hero Heron, and he’s one of several gods who turns on Zeus due to Zeus meddling in the lives of mortals.

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The menacing god of war stayed loyal to his mother, Hera, throughout most of the show. He was bothered by Zeus’s infidelity and reported to Hera the existence of Heron and Queen Electra. Later on, he sided with Hera in the civil war and tried to kill Apollo and Hermes.


Goddess Of The Moon And The Hunt

Blood of Zeus features a brief appearance of Artemis (Jennifer Hale), the goddess of hunting and the moon, andthe daughter of Zeus and Leto. In Blood of Zeus she appears slightly different from how she is usually portrayed in stories.

Most classical portrayals of Artemis have leaned into her identity as a deity of hunting, as she wears forest colors resembling a huntress, but the Netflix show chooses to focus on her role as the moon goddess with her midnight and serene colors. Artemis chose to side with her father, Zeus, in the war.


Goddess Of Wisdom And Warfare

One of the Greek goddesses whose role was significantly increased in Blood of Zeus season 2 was Athena (Sarah Elmaleh), the goddess of wisdom, strategy, and warfare. Athena is Zeus’s firstborn daughter, her mother being Zeus’s first wife, Metis. Athena sided with Zeus during the civil war.

Of all his children, Zeus is perhaps closest to Athena, and is shown to greatly value her advice. Athena was tasked by Zeus in Blood of Zeus season 2 to hide the Eleusinian Stone — a key artifact which grants the right to rule over Olympus.


The Centaur God

One of the most visually striking Greek gods in Blood of Zeus is the centaur god Chiron (David Shaughnessy). He’s the son of Kronos and Philyra, making him the half-brother of Zeus, and is known for being incredibly wise. He’s pivotal to Alexia deciphering the map leading to the remains of the Giant responsible for the emergence of Demons is held.

Chiron is also one of several deities in
Blood of Zeus
who doesn’t appear to pick a side in the civil war.

However, he does betray Alexia to protect his people (though not without remorse). Chiron later makes up for this by leading Alexia and her group to the Fields of the Dead. Chiron is also one of several deities in Blood of Zeus who doesn’t appear to pick a side in the civil war.


Goddess Of Harvest And Agriculture

Demeter (Cissy Jones) is the sister of Zeus, and their affair led to the birth of Persephone. Demeter became a key figure in Blood of Zeus season 2, and was responsible for releasing a cloud of deadly spores onto the world that killed many mortals and significantly weakened many of the other gods.

Demeter is depicted wearing yellow and light brown colors which are reminiscent of the grains that symbolize her, and her visibly aged face marking her as one of the eldest of the Olympic gods. In the civil war between Zeus and Hera, Demeter chose to side with Hera.

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God Of Wine And Madness

A Greek god who mainly appears in the background in Blood of Zeus is Dionysus (David Saughnessy), the deity responsible for wine, fertility, euphoria, and madness. He is one of several gods and goddesses who are the product of Zeus cheating on Hera, this time with the mortal woman Semele.

Dionysus was a much more prominent figure in Greek mythology than he is in Blood of Zeus. Being a child of Zeus and a mortal, Dionysus chose to side with his father in the civil war.


Primordial Goddess Of Earth

In Blood of Zeus Gaia (Jean Gilpin) is the primordial goddess of Earth and the mother of the Titans and Giants. Through her marriage to her brother Uranus, the god of the heavens, Gaia had 12 children. Her offspring included Kronos and Rhea, making Zeus and his siblings her grandchildren.

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While Gaia is initially introduced in the show as something of a peacemaker who chastises Hera for her violent acts, by the end of Blood of Zeus season 2 she’s lost all faith in the gods and is content to let Typhon destroy them all.


Personifications Of Destiny

The Moirai, commonly known as The Fates, are personifications of destiny. They consist of three sisters — Clotho, the spinner, Lachesis, the alotter, and Atropos, the cutter — who weave the destinies of every person, with their titles referring to each of their specific jobs with the threads of life of each mortal.

Blood of Zeus
, The Fates tell Heron that the fate of the world will be decided through the choices he makes.

Each sister marks a different phase of life for a person spanning from young, adult, to elderly. In Blood of Zeus, The Fates tell Heron that the fate of the world will be decided through the choices he makes.


God Of The Dead And The Underworld

It was no surprise at all that Zeus’s brother Hades (Fred Tatasciore), would eventually make an appearance.The god of the underworld makes a brief appearance at the end of Blood of Zeus season 1, though has a much more prominent role in season 2.

In Blood of Zeus season 2 Hades seeks to steal the Eleusinian Stone and overthrow Zeus. Hades stayed neutral throughout the civil war but gave sanctuary to the gods who left Olympus, though this was clearly to gain favor and allies. In the show, he takes Persephone, his niece, as his wife.


Goddess Of Magic And Witchcraft

Hecate (Courtenay Taylor) is one of the Greek goddesses introduced in Blood of Zeus season 2. She is the Anatolian goddess of magic and witchcraft, and it’s to her that the others turn when they defeat Typhon and realize that, since he’s an elemental being, he cannot be killed.

Hecate is one of the few gods and goddesses in
Blood of Zeus
who do not come from the Olympian pantheon.

Hecate is one of the few gods and goddesses in Blood of Zeus who do not come from the Olympian pantheon. She was also the guardian of the Eleusinian Stone, and the fact Zeus entrusted her with this task shows just how powerful she truly is.


God Of Blacksmiths And Craftsmanship

Hephaestus (Adam Croasdell) in Blood of Zeus is the god of smithing, forges, and craftsmen. He played a much greater role in Blood of Zeus season 2 than he did in season 1, granting Heron the compass that guides him to a powerful sword.

He is the god who created the cauldron that sealed the souls of the titans, as well as the automaton, Talos, who guards the cauldron. Additionally, he assists in training Heron by pitting him against an automaton. Even though he was the child of Zeus and Hera, Hephaestus sided with Zeus in the war.


Goddess Of Marriage And Family

Few gods in Blood of Zeus are as powerful as Hera (Claudia Christian), the angry sister-wife of Zeus who starts a civil war in Olympus due to her husband’s infidelity. Hera was the central antagonist in season 1, and orchestrated to have Queen Electra and Heron killed.

Hera held a coup against Zeus. When Zeus chose Heron over her, she decided to kill Zeus, causing a split between the gods of Olympus. Later, she aided Seraphim in releasing the giants and then sent them to conquer Olympus.

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God Of Messengers And Travel

Hermes (Matthew Mercer) in Blood of Zeus is the ultra-fast messenger of the gods. The Messenger god is the son of Zeus via an extramarital affair with Maia, and is Alexia’s father.

Hermes was Zeus’s most loyal follower and often assisted his father with tasks. He often served as a scout who reported on Hera’s plans to Zeus and was also the first god to approach Heron after Zeus brought him up to Olympus.


Goddess Of The Hearth And Home

A Greek goddess who has a small role in Blood of Zeus is Hestia (Vanessa Marshall), the sister of Zeus. Zeus entrusts Hestia to bring the Eleusinian Stone to Gaia along with Athena, showing his faith in her and her abilities.

She doesn’t appear beyond the season 2 premiere episode “A Shadow Emerges”, when a flashback shows her being sent for the stone alongside Athena.

Hestia did show that she’s able to handle herself in a fight, especially since she can control fire using pyrokinesis. She doesn’t appear beyond the season 2 premiere episode “A Shadow Emerges”, when a flashback shows her being sent for the stone alongside Athena.

Kronos And Rhea

The King And Queen Of The Titans

Two of the most powerful beings in Blood of Zeus are the King and Queen of the Titans — Kronos, the god of time, and Rhea, the parents of Zeus, Chiron, Hestia, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter. After Rhea, bore his children, Kronos became fearful that they would overthrow him, so he ate them.

Zeus was able to escape Kronos’s infanticidal fears thanks to the efforts of Rhea and Gaia, later returning to free his siblings from the belly of his father. Kronos and Rhea don’t appear much in Blood of Zeus, being only mentioned in season 1 and appearing briefly in a flashback in season 2.

Melinoe And Zagreus

The Goddess Of Ghosts And God Of Rebirth

Melinoe and Zagreus are the children of Hades and Persephone, and have a minor role in Blood of Zeus season 2. Blood of Zeus changed many elements of Melinoe and Zagreus’s origins.

Along with his sister Melinoe, Zagreus is one of the youngest gods, and both are depicted as children. While neither had much impact on the plot, it’s entirely possible that they’ll play a larger role in Blood of Zeus season 3.


Goddess Of Spring

Both the goddess of Spring and the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone (Lara Pulver) is both the niece and wife of Hades, and is the daughter of Zeus and his sister Demeter. She’s referred to as one of the most beautiful of all the Olympian goddesses. Persephone fell in love with Hades and chose to reside with him in the Underworld.

Persephone makes her first appearance in the season 2 premiere. Persephone and Hades have an incredibly loving relationship, and she’s a supportive wife and a devoted mother to their two children.


God Of The Seas

Poseidon (Chris Diamantopoulos) is the god of the ocean in Blood of Zeus. One of the original Olympian gods, Poseidon is the brother of Zeus and one of the children of Rhea and Kronos. He was responsible for plunging the bodies of the titans into the sea.

Poseidon was a bit of a wild card throughout Blood of Zeus season 1. Initially, he sided with Hera during the civil war, as he felt that his brother Zeus was interfering too much in the affairs of mortals. However, when Hera offered the titans reign over the sea, he decided to assist Zeus in the final battle.

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