Multi-Story Building Collapses After Israeli Airstrike on Gaza

A 14-story building was destroyed following Israeli airstrikes in Gaza after a Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, WAFA reported.

Footage by filmed by Nedal Alhajahmed shows the moment the multi-story building, referred to in local news reports as the “Palestine Tower,” collapsed in a cloud of ash and smoke, shortly followed by an explosion.

Israeli news reported the building was one of two targeted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) which they said housed “Hamas assets.”

According to the IDF, dozens of fighter jets targeted 17 military compounds and four Hamas headquarters throughout Gaza. The IDF said approximately 2,200 rockets had been fired into Israel from Gaza.

Israel’s emergency services organization, Magen David Adom, said that as of 3.30 pm approximately 40 people had been killed in the attack, dubbed the “Battle of al Aqsa Flood” by Hamas forces. Earlier Magen David Adom said it had treated “hundreds of further victims.”

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported at least 198 deaths in Gaza as of 4:20 pm local time on Saturday. Credit: Nedal Alhajahmed via Storyful

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