Samsung’s New Robot Mop-Vac Hunts Down Stains and Steam Cleans Them for You

If you’ve ever spent too much time and elbow grease scrubbing pet or wine stains from a rug, you know cleaning it up quickly is critical. Samsung’s new Bespoke Jet Bot AI+ smart robot vacuum, unveiled for the first time at CES in Las Vegas, is programmed to roam your home scouting for stains as they happen, and scrub them out so you don’t have to.
The Jet Bot AI+ smart robot vacuum isn’t using AI as a chatty personality or chummy companion telling you to refill your glass of red wine after a spill, but the mop-vac combo does call on AI-powered object recognition to hunt down stains, both fresh and hardened, on your rug or carpet. And, yes, it can tell the difference between rugs, carpets and hard flooring. 

Once a splotch of Spot’s wee or little Timmy’s grape jelly is located, the Jet Bot will head back to its base to steam-heat the mop pads and return with a vengeance. Back at the stain, Jet Bot’s wild spinning mop is designed to scrub the holy heck out of it at 170 RPMs.

Samsung says the smart Jet Bot also knows where to go and where not to. The robot is meant to work within mapped areas that you set up and avoids no-go zones. This would prevent your new $1,000+ household helper from diving off of an open balcony or tumbling down a set of stairs.

A red wine stain can ruin your carpet’s day.

Brian Bennett/CNET

And these are just the new features. The Jet Bot uses existing object recognition to locate piles of dirt, dust and spills on hardwood floors to clean ’em as they happen. And, if you have an ungovernable terrier or two-year-old, you’re well acquainted with how often messes occur. 

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So does it actually work? I’ll see the smart robot mop-vac in action at CES this week and will report back with findings — hopefully using a big glass of wine. Samsung says Samsung Bespoke Jet Bot AI+ will be available later this year. Pricing details are not yet available. 

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