DOJ lawsuit against Apple is headline grabber but poses limited near-term impact

The U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Apple Thursday, accusing the company led by CEO Tim Cook of engaging in anti-competitive business practices. The allegations include claims that Apple prevents competitors from accessing certain iPhone features and that the company’s actions impact the “flow of speech” through its streaming service, Apple TV+. However, … Read more

Apple CarPlay is anticompetitive, too, US lawsuit alleges

Buried in the 88-page antitrust lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice against Apple is a reference to everyone’s favorite phone-projection system, CarPlay. The DOJ says that, like smartphones, vehicle infotainment systems have become a new way in which Apple exhibits anticompetitive behavior to harm consumers as well as its competitors. Apple’s plans to … Read more

The Antitrust Case Against Apple Argues It Has a Stranglehold on the Future

The US Department of Justice had long been expected to file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple. But when the suit arrived Thursday, it came with surprising ferocity. In a press conference, attorney general Merrick Garland noted that Apple controlled more than 70 percent of the country’s smartphone market, saying the company used that outsize power … Read more

Apple’s iMessage Encryption Puts Its Security Practices in the DOJ’s Crosshairs

The argument is one that some Apple critics have made for years, as spelled out in an essay in January by Cory Doctorow, the science fiction writer, tech critic, and coauthor of Chokepoint Capitalism. “The instant an Android user is added to a chat or group chat, the entire conversation flips to SMS, an insecure, … Read more

The US Sues Apple Over iPhone Competition: What to Know

The US Department of Justice and 16 state attorneys general filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple on Thursday, saying the company has used its industry-defining iPhone as a tool to enrich itself while stifling competition. In an 88-page suit filed in the US District Court for the District of New Jersey, the government argued that Apple … Read more

You can now get Apple product manuals, specs, and repair guides all in one place

screenshot by Lance Whitney/ZDNET Locating the right manuals and troubleshooting guides for Apple products used to be a hassle, but no longer. Instead of being scattered across Apple’s websites, everything you need is now on Apple’s new Documentation page. Spotted by Japanese blog MacOtakara, the Documentation page has groups for all of Apple’s products: Mac, … Read more

The US Sues Apple in an iPhone Antitrust Blockbuster

The US Department of Justice, along with more than a dozen state attorneys general, has filed a lawsuit against Apple that takes direct aim at the iPhone and the company’s lucrative iOS ecosystem. Claiming that Apple had established an “iPhone monopoly,” the suit argues that the company’s allegedly anticompetitive behavior resounds well beyond smartphones themselves. … Read more

Apple Sued By Dept. of Justice for Monopoly on Smartphones

Uncle Sam is taking Apple to court — claiming they have a monopoly on the smartphone business and that the interconnected nature of their products is a little too anti-competitive. The Dept. of Justice filed a federal lawsuit against Tim Cook’s company Thursday, which makes a lot of allegations against the tech giant … including … Read more