What Happened to the Last Divergent Movie? A Hollywood Cautionary Tale

The Big Picture Dune recognizes that a single movie cannot capture the entirety of the massive source material, which led a two-part adaptation contingent on the success of the first film. Splitting a book into multiple movies without filming them simultaneously is a risky move, as seen with the failed Divergent series, where poor box … Read more

Why Original Divergent Author Isn’t Upset The Movie Franchise Ended Unfinished

Summary Veronica Roth doesn’t mind that the Divergent movie franchise was never finished, understanding that the movies and her books were two separate things. The Divergent franchise struggled from the beginning, with the third movie ultimately being a box office flop due to poor execution and failure to capture the complexity of Roth’s novels. The … Read more

Two divergent skills that matter in an AI world: Math and business development

Dmitriy Sidor/Getty Images Artificial intelligence (AI) keeps upending our ideas about future skill requisites in interesting ways. On one level, AI requires a deep understanding of underlying technology, data science, and statistics. At the same time, AI also calls for less immersion in underlying technicalities and an ability to keep an eye on business advantage.  … Read more