Scientists Are Inching Closer to Bringing Back the Woolly Mammoth

De-extinction startup Colossal Biosciences wants to bring back the woolly mammoth. Well, not the woolly mammoth exactly, but an Asian elephant gene-edited to give it the fuzzy hair and layer of blubber that allowed its close relative to thrive in sub-zero environments. To get to these so-called “functional mammoths,” Colossal’s scientists need to solve a … Read more

A Startup’s Mission to Bring Back the Woolly Mammoth Is Being Made Into a Docuseries

The idea that humans caused this extinction, but human ingenuity can put things right again? Reed: That is one of the big questions that we should be exploring in the documentary series. That is at the heart of whether you support what Colossal are doing, whether you want de-extinction or whether you think it’s not … Read more