The latest Roomba robot vacuum mop is $400 off for Cyber Monday

Beth Mauder/ZDNET

Just this fall, iRobot released their latest robot vacuum lineup, adding the Combo j9+, j9+, Combo i5+, and Combo i5 to their fleet of robot vacuums. For Cyber Monday, we’re seeing huge savings from the company, up to $645 off robot vacuums in some cases. The j9 lineup continues to build off of my favorite robot vacuum of all time, the Roomba j7+, so this sale has absolutely caught my eye. Through my testing experience, iRobot has built a beautiful, capable, innovative product that is a must-have this holiday season.

There isn’t a better time than right now to invest in an iRobot vacuum, specifically the flagship Roomba Combo j9+, to help keep your home well-maintained this holiday season and beyond. 

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The Roomba Combo j9+, the company’s latest flagship product, is a two-in-one robot vacuum and mop that has a retractable arm to raise and lower the mop head depending on what type of flooring the robot encounters. Thanks to iRobot OS, this machine intelligently navigates your home, avoids pet waste, cords, shoes, and much more. New to the software is Dirt Detective, an AI-powered technology that identifies the dirtiest parts of your home and cleans them first with more suction power and additional passes. 

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Being a two-in-one machine means that you only need one robot to maintain all of your flooring surfaces in your home. The retractable arm will lift its mop head when the robot drives up to carpet or rugs and then lowers it again as soon as it’s clear from the soft flooring surfaces. I’ve tested this model in numerous lighting conditions and the arm never raised or lowered when it should not have.

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Seeing the Roomba Combo j9+ on sale for a whopping $400 off is a great deal for anyone serious about wanting to invest in their home’s cleanliness and their own sanity. My home is well-loved between my partner and I, our child, two dogs, and a cat, and this Roomba device can handle it all, every single time.

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