Here’s the perfect response to ‘instantly’ shut down passive-aggressive behavior, says public speaking expert

Picture it: Your co-worker, who you normally get along with, avoided you at lunch, then grunted when you offered to grab him a coffee. He’s clearly annoyed at you, but won’t address it. This is textbook passive-aggressive behavior — a hallmark of people who have trouble handling conflict. As a public speaking trainer, I’ve found that the best way … Read more

People with ‘low emotional intelligence’ always use these 7 phrases, says Harvard psychologist

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and evaluate feelings accurately in ourselves and in others. The most emotionally intelligent people can access and evoke emotion, understand non-verbal cues, and regulate their feelings to build stronger relationships. As a Harvard-trained psychologist, I’ve seen firsthand how this is key to long-term professional and personal success. So how … Read more