Commenting on Navalny’s death for first time, Putin says he supported prisoner swap for his foe

Russian President Vladimir Putin said early Monday that he supported an idea to release late opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a prisoner exchange just days before the man who was his biggest foe died. In his first comments to address Navalny’s death, Putin said of the dissident’s demise: “It happens. There is nothing you can … Read more

Texas Billionaire’s Push for Land Swap With Elon’s SpaceX Is Total Crap

Details about SpaceX’s proposed land swap deal with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (TPWC) keep getting uglier. After an overwhelming majority voted against the land exchange, the decision was delayed to March. Recent reports, however, suggest that the acres in question were already set aside for preservation and that an oil billionaire in Texas … Read more

People Are Calling This Pregnant Passenger “Entitled” After She Demanded A Guy Swap Seats With Her On A Plane

Throughout the last year or so, flight etiquette has been hotly debated — especially when it comes to assigned seating and passengers who request a last-minute swap. Well, the flames were stoked once again when a first-hand experience was recounted on Reddit by user u/michaeldonelly, who says they were on a long flight (over five … Read more

Lauren Boebert blames district swap on Barbra Streisand

Days after Lauren Boebert made the announcement that she is switching from Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District to run in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District in the upcoming 2024 elections, she made an appearance on former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s podcast where she discussed what prompted her to make this bold change. During their chat, Bannon made mention of how Democrats raised $10m … Read more

Fragile truce in Gaza is back on track after hourslong delay in a second hostage-for-prisoner swap

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip — The tense cease-fire between Israel and Hamas appeared to be back on track early Sunday after the release of a second group of militant-held hostages and Palestinians from Israeli prisons, but the swap followed an hourslong delay that underscored the truce’s fragility. The exchange was delayed Saturday evening after Hamas … Read more

Truce deal set to free hostages in swap, raising hopes of halting worst Mideast violence in decades

JERUSALEM — Israel and Hamas have reached an agreement for a four-day halt to the devastating war in Gaza, accompanied by the release of dozens of hostages held by the militant group in return for Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, mediators said Wednesday. The truce marks the biggest diplomatic breakthrough since Hamas’ Oct. 7 rampage into … Read more

Kenya ends arrangement to swap doctors with Cuba. The deal was unpopular with Kenyan doctors

Kenya’s government has announced that it won’t renew a deal that saw Cuban doctors employed in Kenya while those from the East African country travelled to Cuba for specialized training ByEMMANUEL IGUNZA Associated Press October 11, 2023, 9:55 AM NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenya’s government announced Wednesday it would not be renewing a 6-year-old deal that … Read more

U.S.-Iran prisoner swap might result in nuclear talks, analysts say

Touch upon this storyComment DUBAI — Confronted with crippling sanctions at dwelling and eyeing upcoming U.S. elections, Iran agreed to a prisoner swap that freed 5 People, 5 Iranians and granted Tehran entry to $6 billion of its reserves frozen overseas Monday. After years of escalating tensions with the USA, Iran could have seen Monday’s … Read more

Russia-Ukraine battle information: Kremlin, U.S. have talked Gershkovich prisoner swap

Russian and U.S. officers have mentioned a possible prisoner swap that would embrace detained Wall Avenue Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated, although they “don’t need them to be mentioned in public.” Peskov informed reporters on a name Tuesday that talks “should be carried out and proceed in full silence.” Russian officers … Read more