Massive alligator snags helpless snapping turtle in its jaws on Florida golf course

Not far from where Casey Yarborough was playing golf on Wednesday, he said he heard a loud pop. “Like a gun going off,” Yarborough said. Yarborough, who lives in Fort Myers, Florida, was on a fairway and the sound came from the other side of a pond along the golf course in Naples. It was … Read more

9 people dead and 78 others hospitalized after eating sea turtle meat on Zanzibar’s Pemba Island

ZANZIBAR, Tanzania — Eight children and an adult died after eating sea turtle meat on Pemba Island in the Zanzibar archipelago and 78 other people were hospitalized, authorities said Saturday. Sea turtle meat is considered a delicacy by Zanzibar’s people even though it periodically results in deaths from chelonitoxism, a type of food poisoning. The … Read more