Haunting ‘Demon Faces’ Show What It’s Like to Have Rare Distorted Face Syndrome

A 58-year-old man with a rare medical condition sees faces normally on screens and paper, but in person, they take on a demonic quality. The patient has a unique case of prosopometamorphopsia (PMO), a condition that causes peoples’ faces to appear distorted, reptilian, or otherwise inhuman. The Fujifilm X100VI is the Most Fun I’ve Had … Read more

Being a Hypochondriac Might Help Send You to an Early Grave, Study Suggests

Being overly worried about getting sick may, actually, help send you to an early grave, new research out this month suggests. The study found that people diagnosed with hypochondriasis were noticeably more likely to die during the study period than those without it. An increased risk was seen across both natural and unnatural causes of … Read more