Why Read Books When You Can Use Chatbots to Talk to Them Instead?

When I asked the chatbot if it identifies with the monster, it responded with a familiar chatbot excuse for dodging tricky questions: “As an artificial intelligence, I don’t have personal feelings or identities, so I don’t have the capacity to identify with any characters.” Then, in a twist that Mary Shelley might have enjoyed, the … Read more

The UK Lists Top Nightmare AI Scenarios Ahead of Its Big Tech Summit

Deadly bioweapons, automated cybersecurity attacks, powerful AI models escaping human control. Those are just some of the potential threats posed by artificial intelligence, according to a new UK government report. It was released to help set the agenda for an international summit on AI safety to be hosted by the UK next week. The report … Read more

The AI-Generated Child Abuse Nightmare Is Here

A horrific new era of ultrarealistic, AI-generated, child sexual abuse images is now underway, experts warn. Offenders are using downloadable open source generative AI models, which can produce images, to devastating effects. The technology is being used to create hundreds of new images of children who have previously been abused. Offenders are sharing datasets of … Read more

The GitHub Black Market That Helps Coders Cheat the Popularity Contest

The index is a good predictor of whether a company will raise a round, says Konstantin Vinogradov, a general partner at Runa. Around a third of all the companies listed in the index since its launch in 2020 have raised subsequent rounds within the next 12 months, he says. Over time, metrics can invalidate themselves, … Read more

Britain’s Big AI Summit Is a Doom-Obsessed Mess

“I completely agree with [Sunak’s] strategy, which is to attempt international consensus. But my guess is international consensus will form only around the broadest of principles,” says Jeremy Wright, a former UK digital minister for Sunak’s Conservative Party. “Feasibly, if you’re going to do anything, you probably have to do it nationally before you do … Read more

AI Is Becoming More Powerful—but Also More Secretive

Nathan Strauss, a spokesperson for Amazon said the company is closely reviewing the index. “Titan Text is still in private preview, and it would be premature to gauge the transparency of a foundation model before it’s ready for general availability,” he says. Meta declined to comment on the Stanford report and OpenAI did not respond … Read more

The US Has Failed to Pass AI Regulation. New York City Is Stepping Up

As the US federal government struggles to meaningfully regulate AI—or even function—New York City is stepping into the governance gap. The city introduced an AI Action Plan this week that mayor Eric Adams calls a first of its kind in the nation. The set of roughly 40 policy initiatives is designed to protect residents against … Read more

AI Chatbots Can Guess Your Personal Information From What You Type

The way you talk can reveal a lot about you—especially if you’re talking to a chatbot. New research reveals that chatbots like ChatGPT can infer a lot of sensitive information about the people they chat with, even if the conversation is utterly mundane. The phenomenon appears to stem from the way the models’ algorithms are … Read more

Chatbot Hallucinations Are Poisoning Web Search

It may be difficult for search engines to automatically detect AI-generated text. But Microsoft could have implemented some basic safeguards, perhaps barring text drawn from chatbot transcripts from becoming a featured snippet or adding warnings that certain results or citations consist of text dreamt up by an algorithm. Griffin added a disclaimer to his blog … Read more

Generative AI Is Coming for Sales Execs’ Jobs—and They’re Celebrating

Wining and dining, wooing clients with creative offers, and cashing big bonuses provide the glamor to sales work. Drafting answers to hundreds of dull questions posed by a prospective customer’s request for proposals? That’s just drudgery. Mercifully for workers, after months of speculation about ChatGPT-style AI taking over white-collar work, the corporate chore of responding … Read more