Attack on Nigerien forces kills 23 soldiers and underscores continued conflict with militants

NIAMEY, Niger — A militant attack on Nigerien forces in a border region near Mali and Burkina Faso killed 23 soldiers, the defense ministry said Friday. The soldiers were taking part in an overnight clearing operation on Tuesday in the country’s west when they were ambushed by armed men on motorcycles equipped with homemade bombs, … Read more

Surge in far-right support underscores European trend

Democratic Alliance (AD) leader Luis Montenegro celebrates his victory as he addresses supporters at the party’s election night headquarters, in Lisbon on March 10, 2024. Miguel Riopa | Afp | Getty Images Portugal’s far-right Chega party on Sunday received a surge in support in the country’s snap general election, reflecting a broader shift to the … Read more

Danish report underscores ‘systematic illegal behavior’ in adoptions of children from South Korea

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — A Danish report on Thursday said that adoptions of children from South Korea to Denmark in the 1970s and 1980s was “characterized by systematic illegal behavior” in the Asian country. These violations, the report said, made it “possible to change information about a child’s background and adopt a child without the knowledge … Read more

Kitchen table amputation underscores Gaza’s healthcare crisis

Comment on this storyCommentAdd to your saved storiesSave CAIRO — Despite his experience as an orthopedic surgeon, Hany Bsaiso froze when he saw his teenage niece’s injuries. Her right leg, he said, had been blown off below the knee by an Israeli tank shell. The other was severely injured. “Where do I start?” he recalls … Read more

I read Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s children’s book based on the 2020 election. It suggests Joe Biden’s election victory wasn’t legitimate and underscores that election denialism is never really going away.

Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna recently wrote a children’s book based on the 2020 election. In “The Legend of Naranja,” a Biden-like banana cheats in a race against a Trump-like orange. It’s yet another sign that 2020 election denialism is never really going away. If you’ve still got some doubts about the 2020 presidential election … Read more

Putin’s China Visit Underscores Friendship Amid Ukraine, Israel-Hamas Wars

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing on Tuesday for a visit that underscores China’s support for Moscow during its war in Ukraine as well as Russian backing for China’s bid to expand its economic and diplomatic influence abroad. The two countries have forged an informal alliance against the United States and other democratic nations … Read more

Fall of the ruble underscores the strain on Russia’s battle financial system

Touch upon this storyComment The Russian ruble tumbled to its lowest level in 17 months Monday, briefly sliding previous 102 to the greenback and prompting the nation’s Central Financial institution to name a rare assembly Tuesday to debate the extent of its key rate of interest. The ruble has misplaced roughly 1 / 4 of … Read more

Arab embrace of Assad underscores divergence with U.S. over Syria

Touch upon this storyComment Center Japanese leaders will welcome President Bashar al-Assad at a regional summit on Friday, representing a significant triumph for the once-shunned Syrian chief as he seeks to close the door on a decade of bloody civil battle. Syria’s return to the Arab League after an 11-year suspension — one other step … Read more